Ridhwanul Haque

My Awards

BSc CompSci with Intelligent Systems @ King's College London

A computer science enthusiast with a strong interest in intelligent systems. Loves programming and making applications. Enjoys researching and exploring AI & Machine Learning. Available for Python and Backend Web Developing along with basic skills for Frontend Web Developing.

Google Code-in 2016 Finalist

Google Code-in is a contest where you participate with an open source organisation where you contribute to their projects, and the best contributors are awarded at the end of the contest. I was on of the five finalist selected by FOSSASIA in this contest. The tasks I did with them can be found here.

Fifth Place of Senior Category in BACS High School Programming Contest 2018

BACS High School Programming contest was arranged nationally, where I participated and solved programming problems using C++ and have achieved the fifth position in the contest.

10th Place in BDOI 2018

BDOI is the national contest that takes place before selecting the 4 participants for IOI, where I achieved the 10th place. C++ was used to solve the programming problems.

First Place in Informatics Olympiad

A inter-school informatics olympiad was arranged by Scholastica where I achieved first place. I used Python to solve the programming challenges.

Country Topper in Computer Skills Assessment

Our school held an assessment arranged by Macmillan and UNSW Educational Assessment Australia, where in Computer Assessment exam I scored the highest in country and was awared a gold medal by them.

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